Book Haul: September edition.

Ordered these darlings on (they should start sending me free books, I give them way too much money), on tuesday and they came in today.
Now that is something crazy.
Normally I have to wait at least a week for my books to come in, but this time I got them within three days.

So yes, I am excited.
These are all Young Adult books, with some dystopian, fantasy and retellings thrown in. What I am going to read first?
I told myself that I should finish the Percy Jackson series first before starting in one of these, but that is not going to happen. Oh well.
I'm super excited for the third and fourth book in the Mortal Instruments series because of obvious reasons and I am also really curious to see what Cinder is all about.
These will probably be the last books I'll be buying in September, since I have to put some money to the side. I'm going to a Lauren Kate event in november, so I am going to order the last three books in her Fallen series by the beginning of October.
And yes I can, because they are only £3.85 a piece so that is cheap and I have a very good reason. I think I'll be taking the first one in the series to the event, to get it signed. 

So yes, this is my September book haul! 
Have you bought any super amazing books lately?


  1. Great haul!!! Those are all on my wish list! (ofcourse also on amazon) did you know that they do though? give away great free ebooks? You can read them on you computer, phone, tablet ipad or kindle ereader.. Just a thought... If you ever consider. I could give you some recommendations! :)

    Irene @ Ice Queens Bookshelf

    1. Amazon gives away free ebooks? That's pretty awesome. I have never actually read a books on my IPad, but free books are always welcome, haha.
      I'd be happy to hear your recommendations! :)


Dank je wel voor het reageren! :)