Introducing December: the last month of 2013.

It is already December, which still amazes me. I know that it's a catchy thing to say, but I honestly feel as if 2013 flew by with the speed of a lightning bolt. It's so strange to think and somehow trying to realize that we will be in the year 2014 in less than a month. I do love the month of December, Sinterklaas (dutch holiday thing aka St. Nicolas), Christmas, NYE and all kinds of fancy dinner parties and food.
I still feel as if my holiday in Turkey happened only two months ago, while it's actually been five months. Where does the time go?
Anyway, 2013 was also a good year for reading and books and meeting new people and starting my own blog! It's been a good year so far and I still have a few good things coming up, but I also can't wait for the new year to start.
2014 will be my year of (hopefully) graduating high school (oh please let me pass my exams!), moving to a new city and studying English and turning 18!

As for my Goodreads challenge, I am now on 46 read books. My goal is to have read 50 books this year, which means I still have four more to go. But that won't be any problem since I'm currently reading both The Hobbit and An Abundance of Katherines.
So far, I am thoroughly enjoying both of them and even though I normally don't read two books at the same time, the two stories are completely different from oneanother and that makes it easier.
I am rereading The Hobbit and I'm currently at 247 pages and so I'll probably finish both books by the end of this week.

So after I've finished those two, I am planning on reading Rebels Angels, which is the second book in the A Great and Terrible Beauty series by Libba Bray, which are absolutely fantastic!
As for the fourth and final book of this year (I might read another one since I do have two weeks off around Christmas and NYE..) I'm planning on reading either The Circle by Sara Bergmark Elfgren & Mats Strandberg or Teardrop by Lauren Kate. I'm still doubting on Teardrop since I know that there are many people who didn't exactly like the book and it'd be dissapointing to end the year with a book I didn't particularily like.. But I might really enjoy it, as I'm also a big fan of the Fallen series, so we'll see.

So yes, December. Weird stuff. I'm decorating my room with a christmas tree, some sparkly lights and candles.. I have three more weeks of school to go and then I'll have a holiday of two weeks and I am so excited for everything Christmas and NYE! I know you all can relate, so I'll shut up now.

Enjoy the last month of December, enjoy Christmas and spend time with the ones you love..
Happy reading!

Both pictures are from tumblr

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Did you read one of these books: Patrimony of Philip Roth or Disgracre of j.m. Coetzee? Could you tell me if you liked one of the books?

    Thank you!


Dank je wel voor het reageren! :)